Monday, May 16, 2011

ActionScript 3 Multithreading - CMVC framework

In my previous post i mentioned CMVC framework. This framework is really helpful for me and I am using it for development of complex Flex and Flash components/projects. It's lightweight, fast and easy to setup and use. In short:

CMVC (CMVC stands for CandyMVC) is ActionScript 3 lightweight framework based upon Model, View, Controller. It enables implementation of MVC with no special setup required. Instead of overriding bunch of methods to setup the project, it lets you start working on application logic as soon as project is created. One of the main features is multi threading - it can handle notification in near real time by all subscribed mediators.

Why I build it beside of all MVC frameworks out there?

  1. I like to know exactly what is happening in the background. 
  2. I needed an easy way to setup a project to use MVC 
  3. It was fun to do it
And why in the name of the lord am I sharing it with out proper documentation or examples?
Because there is a huge possibility that I won't manage to complete it at all. Hey, but there is one component that is using it - not so clean code, but still you can see how its running :).

So I do not see any reason to keep it only for myself. If someone finds it useful, I will be happy to know that I am not the only one.


  1. I do this also. Sometimes opensource means that I'd love to see someone else come in and clean up, finish or document the code.

    Just to clarify, looks like you are using some GreenThreading but not multithreading here.

    I think the only way to do true multithreading in flash is to use pixel bender which would be really interesting if abstracted in a useful manor.

    Thanks for posting this code. It looks great.

  2. @legrand :) you are actually right. I should probably rename it
